You are your most potent healer. Massage therapy encourages and supports your body’s innate healing process

my approach

bodies are intelligent.

Within your body lies the story of your life. Collectively, we are society living life in the fast lane. This pace of life is overwhelming and stressful and leads to tension, disconnection, and stagnation. Our nervous systems are on overdrive and they yearn for a break. Our breath is our life force and it longs to be deeper and slower. When we prioritize slowness we are telling our bodies and nervous systems “I love you”. If our bodies are given the space and time for deep listening, safe nurturing touch, and intentional presence, the healing that can happen is transformational. Sometimes a body simply needs to be seen, to be held with compassion, or to be given permission to transform. I want to allow your own body’s intelligence to heal itself through theraputic touch. My goal for every client is to leave my studio with a loving self awareness, deeper breath, calmer nervous system, and a deeper connection to their own body.