Placenta Encapsulation

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What is it?

Placenta encapsulation is the process of preparing the birthing person’s placenta after the birth of their child by dehydrating, grinding and placing it into capsules for them to ingest as they sees fit.

The purpose is to reintroduce the beneficial vitamins, minerals, hormones, proteins, and other nutrients to their body following labor and birth of their child.

Some benefits may include:

Increased milk production

Less postpartum bleeding

More flow of oxytocin (the bonding and love hormone)

Mood stabilization and prevention of postpartum depression

Replenishment of iron levels

Aiding in uterus contraction and shrinking back to size after birth

Reducing inflammation and afterbirth pains

Increased energy levels and shortened healing time overall

You may be wondering…is this researched?

Most evidence supporting the consumption of placenta capsules is anecdotal at this point. While experiences and testimonies are valid, the great news is that there are also currently scientific studies being conducted and a few of the preliminary findings are starting to trickle out. Proper scientific studies take time and are expensive to conduct, someone needs to be willing to do the work and fund it. Often the lack of research is because no-one gets to profit from the research and therefore no one wants to pay for the research. Having said that, because of its rise in popularity and widespread use research is being done! You can check out some of the current research on placenta encapsulation by clicking below.


So, what’s the process?

Due to maintaining the highest safety standards possible, I only process placentas using the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) method of preparation and I also only offer placenta encapsulation in the client's home. Since your placenta is prepared in your own home, you can be sure that no outside bacteria or germs are introduced and you are 100% sure you are consuming your own placenta.

All processes are done in a sanitary environment. I work strictly according to OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Universal Precautions and Food Safety and Handling standards.

To encapsulate using the TCM Inspired Method, I steam your placenta using lemon and ginger (other warming herbs can be added if desired as well). The lemon is thought of as an antiseptic, and can help move the placenta throughout the body, while the ginger provides added warmth to the placenta that is necessary for helping the body to heal during the immediate postpartum period. As an added bonus, they mask the smell of placenta in your home and leave it smelling wonderful.  After cleaning and steaming, I dehydrate the placenta for about 24 hours. The next day, I come back to your home to grind the dehydrated placenta and encapsulate it for you

The Placenta Package Includes:

  • 75-175 encapsulated placenta pills (like babies, placentas come in all shapes and sizes)

  • Umbilical cord keepsake

  • Artistic placenta print keepsake

  • Photo of your placenta, if you want it


*sliding scale is always an option