Why Work with a Doula?

Some studied benefits of having a doula include:

  • Lowered fear, anxiety, and pain

  • Lower likelihood of a C-section

  • Shorter labor times

  • Lower labor intervention rates

  • Higher APGAR scores for newborns

  • Reduced rates of medical inductions of labor or assisted deliveries

  • Higher reported positive birth experiences

I have experience with the following- hospital births, home births, cesareans, VBAC, unmedicated birth, medical inductions, epidural births, narcotic medicated births, IVF, single parents, teen parents, incarcerated parents, queer families, gestational parents over 40, survivors of sexual violence and/or abuse, pregnancy loss, postpartum nutrition and cooking, newborn jaundice, thrush, painful latch, pumping, sleep issues

My Philosophy

Your Journey.

Your Way

I will nurture and advocate for the experience that is essential to your empowerment and emotional and physical safety.

Follow what feels right in your body and I will follow you.

You are the expert on yourself. I honor your innate wisdom and stand behind your choices.

There is not one right way to conceive, give birth, feed your baby, or be a new parent.

There are many right paths, and what’s important is finding the best one for you.

I am here to guide you through these life transitions without judgement and hold the full complexity of your feelings, history, and identities as they show up throughout the tender perinatal times.

What does “Full Spectrum” mean? To me it means acknowledging that pregnancy can begin in many different ways, be experienced very differently, and have a variety of outcomes. I hold space for all experiences of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.

As a full spectrum doula I provide support for:

  • All births: hospital, birth center, home, cesarean, VBAC, breach, medicated and unmedicated

  • Abortion, miscarriage, and loss

  • IVF and/or surrogacy

  • The postpartum period

  • Breastfeeding, chestfeeding, and bottle feeding

  • Queer and Trans individuals and families navigating reproductive health care

  • Survivors of sexual trauma navigating pregnancy, birth, and reproductive healthcare

My Core Values as a Birthworker

I am committed to providing trauma informed  care under the framework of reproductive justice to normalize all reproductive experiences, empower all* bodies, and combat obstetric violence and health disparities that disproportionately affect Black, Indigenous, and Trans birthing people.

 *I recognize that as a cisgendered white settler, I am not the doula for everyone- nor should I be! Everyone should have access to a doula they feel aligned and safe with. BIPOC and gender expansive folks- if you prefer to work with a doula that shares more of your identities, personal experiences, and history and are having a difficult time finding one, please reach out to me at danacaston1@gmail.com and I will reach out to my birth work networks for you/share resources that may be helpful.